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Instituto Clavel y el Hospital Universitario San Frascisco de Asís celebremos el Día Mundial de la Columna con unas jornadas muy especiales en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de octubre.
Nuestro objetivo es que cuides tu espalda y, para ello, te ofrecemos talleres de higiene postural guiados por fisioterapeutas y consultas gratuitas con nuestros doctores.
I am a doctor specialized in Clinical Neurophysiology with a master's degree in Neuroscience and have been performing intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) since 2014.
That same year I became acquainted with the Instituto Clavel and I was lucky enough to be able to collaborate with them in the operating room, although at the time I was woking with another company. I formally joined Instituto Clavel, a center where I can develop my skills and be part of a wonderful team.
Attending physcian. Clinical Neurophysiology (Intraoperative Monitoring). Instituto Clavel. Hospital QuirónSalud Barcelona, Spain (2019 - present)
Attending physcian. Clinical Neurophysiology (Intraoperative Monitoring). Neurotoc. Barcelona, Spain (2014 - 2019)
Residency (MIR) in Clinical Neurophysiology, Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona (2010-2014)
Residency in Clinical Neurophysiology, Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona (2010-2014)
Master in Neuroscience (Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM / Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France). Final grade final: 94,44 de 100 with Honors (2008)
Attending physician, Surgery (Universidad de Guanajuato / Mexico), Final grade: 88.50 de 100 (Outstanding) Degree authorized and recognized by the European Union (2006)
Attendance and participation in the II contest in prolonged Video-EEG monitoring in epilepsy, Madrid (June 21 to 23, 2018).
Attendance and participation in the XVI Reunión Anual Sociedad Balear De Neurología [XVI Annual Meeting of the Balearic Neurology Society]. Palma de Mallorca (May 19-20, 2018).
Attendance and participation at the LXIX Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Neurología [LXIX Annual Meeting of the Spanish Neurology Society] with the work entitled “Nuevo subtipo de ataxia espinocerebelosa ligada a un nuevo locus: SCA44” [New subtype of spinocerebellar ataxia linked to a new locus: SCA44], awarded outstanding paper of 2017, Valencia (November 20-25, 2017).
Attendance and participation in the XV Reunión Anual Sociedad Balear De Neurología [XV Annual Meeting of the Balearic Neurology Society], with the poster "Leptomeningeal lymphoma as an atypical initial presentation of lymphoma in the central nervous system”. Palma de Mallorca (May 19-20, 2017).
Attendance and participation in the XIV Reunión Anual Sociedad Balear De Neurología [XIV Annual Meeting of the Balearic Neurology Society], Ibiza (May 20-21, 2016).
Participation in the L Reunión anual de la Socidad Española de Neurofisiología Clínica (SENFC) [L Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology], with the oral presentation “Hyperbilirubinemia sequels despite treatment: neurophysiological findings”, Oviedo (October 2-8, 2012).
Participation in the XXI congreso de la Sociedad Española de sueño (SES) [XXI Congress of the Spanish Sleep Society (SES)] with the poster “polysomnographic findings in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic neuropathic pain”, Burgos (March 7-10 2012).
Participation in “XIII Spanish Neuroscience Society (SENC) Meeting”, Tarragona, Spain, November 16-19, 2009, with the poster P232: “Induction of ‘up states’ in primary sensorial cortex”, Tarragona (November 16-19, 2009).
Author of poster 09-A-6917-AIVO, NeuroProbes: A new generation of multifunctional electrode arrays for a Cortical Visual Neuroprosthetics, Meeting of vision & ophthalmology research association AIVO, (2009).
Author of poster “Oxytocin prevents long term potentiation in the dorsal horn” at the: VI Neuroscience European meeting (FENS), Geneva, Switzerland (July 12-16, 2008).
Nominated for “Next generation award 2008” of the Society for Neuroscience, for the presentation of the work: “psychophysics of auditive and visual stimulation”, (March, 2008).
Participation in the "37th Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting" from November 3 to 7, 2007 in San Diego CA, with poster n ° 822.2 entitled "Effect of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus stimulation in spinal cord long term potentiation", and co-author of the Poster # 822.1 titled Nociceptive responses of dorsal horn projecting neurons are modulated by paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus stimulation, San Diego CA (November 3-7, 2007).
Nociceptive spinothalamic tract and postsynaptic dorsal column neurons are modulated by paraventricular hypothalamic activation.
European Journal of Neuroscience. Volume 28 Issue 3, August 2008, Pages 546 – 558
Paraventricular oxytocinergic hypothalamic modulation of long-term potentiation in dorsal horn nociceptive neurons: electrophysiological and behavioral evidence.
Pain. Volume 144, Issue 3, August 2009, Pages 320–328
Acute neuropathy in a duodenal levodopa treated parkinsonian patient. Electrophysiological description.
Clinical Neurophysiology June 2014, Volume 125, Page 126
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, predictive diagnostic value.
Clinical Neurophysiology. June 2014 Volume 125, Page 196
Book: “Tratado de Medicina del Sueño”. [Treatise on the Medicine of Sleep]
Chapters: 37. Trastornos de sueño por alteración exógena del ritmo circadiano. [Sleep disorders due to exogenous alteration of the circadian rhythm] and 42. Síndrome de apnea-hipopnea durante el sueño. [Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome].
Ed. Panamerica, España, 2015