Through our specialization in innovative techniques, use of the most cutting-edge technology, and special focus on patient care, we provide a truly different, high-quality medical service.
Acabar con el dolor es posible y nuestro equipo quiere ayudarle a conseguirlo. Dé el primer paso contactando con nosotros.
Madrid: +34 919 148 441
Barcelona: +34 936 090 777
Instituto Clavel y el Hospital Universitario San Frascisco de Asís celebremos el Día Mundial de la Columna con unas jornadas muy especiales en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de octubre.
Nuestro objetivo es que cuides tu espalda y, para ello, te ofrecemos talleres de higiene postural guiados por fisioterapeutas y consultas gratuitas con nuestros doctores.
Instituto Clavel is an internationally leading center specialized in neurosurgery for cranial and spinal pathologies. Our work is based on care and respect for the patients we treat.
We use all our human and technological resources to provide our patients with the most accurate diagnosis, enabling us to offer the best solution, and to ensure that the patient feels accompanied with care and understanding throughout the process.
About usWe are specialists in solutions for diseases and pathologies of the spine, skull and brain.
We use the most effective and least invasive treatments.
At Instituto Clavel we have a Preparation, Empowerment, and Recovery (PER) program to ensure that the patient feels supported at every stage of the process.
An end to back pain is possible, and our team is ready to help you achieve it. Take the first step by contacting us.
Through our specialization in innovative techniques, use of the most cutting-edge technology, and special focus on patient care, we provide a truly different, high-quality medical service.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come to stay, and it already plays a role in many areas of our lives. How will it affect medicine?
If you would like more information about Instituto Clavel, please contact us so we can assist you personally.
Tell us about your case, request an appointment or ask us a question.
Do you live outside of Spain? We have a specialized team that will attend you personally.
Contact us to learn more about our team, send us your CV, and find out about our training grants.
Our centers are in Barcelona and Madrid, located in prestigious hospitals with high-quality modern facilities, where we have all the equipment, the latest technology and the necessary services to offer the best patient care.
In Barcelona, the Instituto Clavel is located in the QuirónSalud Barcelona Hospital, in area with good connections to the rest of the city.
In Madrid, the Instituto Clavel is located in the San Francisco de Asís Hospital, in the center of the city.