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Instituto Clavel y el Hospital Universitario San Frascisco de Asís celebremos el Día Mundial de la Columna con unas jornadas muy especiales en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de octubre.
Nuestro objetivo es que cuides tu espalda y, para ello, te ofrecemos talleres de higiene postural guiados por fisioterapeutas y consultas gratuitas con nuestros doctores.
Lumbar arthrodesis is a procedure that can be used to relieve certain types of back pain when other treatments have failed. Nowadays, because there are new ways to perform this surgery using minimally invasive techniques, the patient’s recovery process is much faster and easier than in the past.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come to stay, and it already plays a role in many areas of our lives. How will it affect medicine?
Epilepsy is a brain disease characterized by a predisposition to recurrent seizures.
Do you have pain in your neck and arms? Find out if these types of pain are related. If you have pain in your neck and your arms, you may be surprised to learn that they may be related to the same cause. When a person has both of these symptoms, it can be indicative of a condition in the cervical spine called cervicobrachialgia. This is the medical term for pain that originates in the cervical region of the spine...
People often ask if a disc herniation can 'heal' by itself or disappear. What’s important to know, is that there are measures to reduce the pain and other symptoms of this condition. When someone is diagnosed with the spinal injury known as a disc herniation, they often want to know if it’s possible that the disc herniation will just go away on its own.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus in adults is associated with a variety of symptoms, which can mean its diagnosis is often delayed. A delayed diagnosis can affect the progression of the disease, and consequently, the patient’s quality of life. This is why it so important to be aware of the primary symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus.
Parkinson's and life expectancy do not always have a direct relationship. In fact, Parkinson’s is considered to be a chronic disease, and currently, there are very effective treatments that can be used to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.