
The best exercises for scoliosis

Exercise can be beneficial in many cases of scoliosis. However, the particular details and specific limitations of each scoliosis patient must always be considered.

Exercises for scoliosis can help relieve back pain that deviation of the spine can often cause. 

This is a good reason to include appropriate exercises in the treatment of scoliosis

Also, in some cases, certain exercises can keep the condition from getting worse and may prevent the need to use an orthopedic brace. This can be especially true for cases of  mild scoliosis and adolescent scoliosis.

In fact, physical therapy and exercise are fundamental for people suffering from this deformity of the spine. Not only can they help relieve symptoms, but they can also be used to correct scoliosis in time

But what are the best exercises? Are all sports appropriate? Are there any movements or exercises to avoid if you have scoliosis?

The benefits of exercise for scoliosis

The primary objective of exercises for scoliosis should be to strengthen the muscles and the spine. 

Strong muscles help with stability, help the body hold good posture, and help maintain the natural curvature of the spine.

Core muscle exercises, including the abdominals, back muscles, and the muscles surrounding the pelvis, are essential for this.

Stretching exercises for scoliosis are also important for improving flexibility and mobility of the spine.

In addition to relieving back pain, following a proper exercise program for scoliosis can help with balance issues. 

In cases where scoliosis results in the spine being abnormally rounded or having a hump, it can lead to impaired balance and increase the risk of falls. 

Physical therapy for scoliosis: the first step

For patients with scoliosis, physical exercise can be very beneficial in relieving back pain and other symptoms. 

However, if the exercises are not appropriate, or are not done correctly, they may have a counterproductive effect. 

This is why, the doctors at Instituto Clavel, as specialists in treatment of scoliosis and pathologies of the spine, always recommend that before beginning an exercise program the patient should be evaluated by a physical therapist

This will ensure that the right therapeutic exercise plan can be designed for their individual case. 

The type of program a specific patient needs can be focused on different things; for example it might be more focused on rehabilitation, or improving posture, toning the back muscles, and gaining strength throughout the body. 

There are also several exercises for scoliosis that your physical therapist may recommend for you to do at home or at the gym

Personal training therapy for scoliosis

Personal training is highly recommended as a therapy for people with scoliosis. 

Not only is the training plan adapted to the specific person, as the name suggests, but the exercises are always guided and supervised by a qualified professional. 

This can be especially important for more severe scoliosis or after a scoliosis operation

In these circumstances, having a fully individualized scoliosis exercise program would be the preferred option. 

Pilates for scoliosis

Pilates is an exercise discipline that focuses on the core muscles. As mentioned earlier, strong core muscles can help maintain a healthy back and prevent spinal pathologies. 

This is why Pilates is one of the most recommended practices for scoliosis. 

At Instituto Clavel Rehabilitation, Spine Pilates is included as part of the treatment plan for most of our patients. 

Exercises for scoliosis to do at home or in the gym

You can also do certain exercises for scoliosis at home or at the gym. Of course, you should always get approval from your doctor or physical therapist first. 

These exercises are mainly focused on preventing back pain by strengthening the core muscles. 

Two of these exercises are those known as the diagonal plank and the mountain climber's exercise. 

Diagonal plank

Mountain climber exercise

All arm and leg exercises that contribute to stabilizing the core muscles are also beneficial, for example, half-squats and the clock exercise. 


Clock exercise

Stretching exercises for scoliosis

Stretching can also help relieve back pain and other symptoms of scoliosis

The stretches below are a simple activity that can be included in your everyday life, even while sitting in a chair! 

Upper body stretches with a chair

Lower body stretches with a chair

Good posture habits for scoliosis

Using good posture is a sound recommendation for overall spinal health, and when you suffer from scoliosis, practicing good posture becomes even more important. 

The position you use when you sleep, your posture while standing or sitting in front of a computer, or when you lift something heavy, can all affect your spine. 

So it’s important to follow the guidelines for good posture habits throughout your daily life

How about swimming?

Swimming as a back exercise has been recommended for years. However, although swimming can be beneficial in many cases, it may not be appropriate for every individual.

In the case of scoliosis, swimming can usually improve the symptoms. But swimming will neither 'cure' nor prevent scoliosis on its own. 

In addition, there are some movements may be not be advisable for some people with this spinal deviation. 

Therefore, as always, whether this exercise is recommended or not must be determined on an individual basis.

Scoliosis and prohibited exercises

It’s not true that there are certain specific exercises that are always forbidden for all cases of scoliosis. As always, advice on appropriate physical activity must take into account the individual patient, their symptoms, and how the spine is affected.

That being said, there are certain sports and exercises that are more likely to be harmful to patients with scoliosis. 

These include contact sports, sports that involve heavy weights (weightlifting, crossfit, etc.), and impact sports like artistic gymnastics and trampoline. 

Also activities that involve repetitive movements such as bending or twisting. Sports such as tennis or golf, for example.

This doesn’t mean that these activities are always forbidden if you have scoliosis, because many times there are ways that they can be adapted in order to pose less risk. 

Instituto Clavel, specialists in pathologies of the spine

At Instituto Clavel, we have a team of neurosurgeons, traumatologists and orthopedic surgeons specialized in the treatment of spinal diseases. 

One of our specialist areas is the Scoliosis Team, where we treat both adult and adolescent scoliosis. 

Because we also work in coordination with our team of physical therapists and trainers, we can offer a multidisciplinary approach that helps improve the quality of life of all our patients. 

If you would like to find out more about the most recommended treatment, sports, or exercises for your particular scoliosis case, we encourage you to book an appointment with us. 

At Instituto Clavel, we have some of the best scoliosis surgeons in Spain, both at our center in Barcelona and in Madrid. 



Dr. Ignasi Català

Neurosurgeon and Deputy Director of Instituto Clavel
Specialist in spine surgery, anterior lumbar and cervical ADR approaches, lateral XLIF approaches, adolescent and adult scoliosis, sacroiliac fusion using the iFuse technique, robotic surgery, and navigation in spine surgery and craniocervical junction surgery.


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