
Cervical dystonia or spasmodic torticollis: causes and recovery

Cervical dystonia is a neurological condition in which the muscles of the neck suffer involuntary contractions, causing the head to turn to the side, forward, or backward. Below, we talk about the causes and different treatment options. 

Cervical dystonia, also known as spasmodic torticollis, is a very rare and painful disabling disorder. It can affect people at any time in their lives, although it is more common in middle age and in women. 

The main symptom of cervical dystonia is muscle contractions or involuntary movements of the neck, which cause the head to twist in different directions, although most often, the chin turns towards the shoulder. It is common for the patient to suffer from neck pain radiating to the shoulders and severe headache, seriously affecting their quality of life. 

The symptoms usually worsen progressively, and other complications may appear as well, such as the development of bone spurs in the cervical spinal canal. This can lead to canal stenosis and cause numbness or weakness in the arms, hands, legs, and feet. Dystonia can also spread to other nearby areas such as the face, jaw, or arms. 

Tips on how to prevent neck pain

There is currently no definitive cure for this condition, but there are treatments to reduce symptoms. There have been some cases of complete remission in which symptoms of cervical dystonia disappear without treatment, although they are rare. 

What causes cervical dystonia? 

The cause of dystonia is unknown. However, some people with cervical dystonia have a family history of other relatives with the condition, so there may be a genetic origin. Also, in some cases, spasmodic cervical dystonia has been linked to other injuries to the neck, shoulders, or head. 

Diagnosis of cervical dystonia 

When a patient has the symptoms described above, the specialist will perform a physical examination and, in some cases, may also order other tests such as a blood test or an MRI to rule out other possible pathologies. 

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, there are various treatment options to consider, including medication and, in those cases where it is necessary, surgery. 

Treatment and recovery from cervical dystonia 

As we have mentioned, this condition does not have a cure, so the goal of the treatment of dystonia or spasmodic torticollis is merely to relieve the symptoms. 

One of the most common options is botulinum toxin injections. The botulinum toxin has paralyzing properties and is commonly known for its use in facial aesthetic treatments for wrinkles (Botox). This treatment can be applied directly to the affected neck muscles and can slow down involuntary muscle contractions for a period of between three to four months. 

This treatment is sometimes combined with taking muscle relaxants to improve results and to make it possible to use a smaller dose of the botulinum toxin. 

Another treatment option is physical therapy, both manual and active. Manual therapy helps relax the muscles of the neck and shoulders, and active therapy can help increase the flexibility and strength of the neck. These therapies, in combination with some sensory tricks, can help slow down the spasms for a while. 

How to relieve neck pain

It has also been shown that this pathology tends to worsen in periods of stress, so we also recommend that patients be given guidelines on ways to manage stress and improve their mental well-being. 


Surgery for spasmodic cervical dystonia 

If the above treatments are not effective and the patient’s dystonia does not improve, the doctor may consider recommending surgery. There are different procedures that can be used, but we are going to focus on one of the most commonly used today: deep brain stimulation (DBS)

This technique consists of using high-frequency electrical impulses to stimulate the area of the brain responsible for the symptoms, with aim of inhibiting the activity. It is done by implanting electrodes in the brain, which are connected to a neurostimulator, similar to a pacemaker. 

Results are usually favorable in the long term, although they may vary depending on the type of dystonia. 

If you would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact us

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