
Neck pain: 10 tips on how to prevent it

Neck pain is one of the most common health complaints. Most people suffer from it some time in their life. The good news is that, in many cases, it can be prevented by making some simple changes to daily habits. Here are some tips from our medical team on how you can prevent this problem. 

At Instituto Clavel, as specialists in problems of the spine, we know that cervical pain or neck pain can be very unpleasant. Fortunately, in most cases it’s temporary, and with just a few small changes to daily habits, it can be prevented from happening again. 

That’s because the primary cause of neck pain is a habit of poor posture that affects the cervical spine. So, with a little effort, you can say goodbye to this problem. Let's go! 

Advice on preventing neck pain 


1. Sit properly 

Ideally, if you have an ergonomic chair or one with a lumbar and cervical support cushion, you should support your back against the back of the chair, keep your head aligned and your forearms resting on the table. 

If you don’t have an ergonomic chair, or a support cushion, it’s important to find a balance between supporting your back and having a relaxed posture. Feet should rest flat on the ground, and an elevated foot rest is also needed, so your position can be changed about every 30 minutes. Although this seems simple, on many occasions we do it incorrectly. So it’s important to for you to check your posture every so often, especially if you sit for several hours at a time, working or studying. 

2. Place the computer at eye level

This way, you won't have to strain your neck while working in front of the screen. You can use a special screen support or, if you don't have one, just stack a few books under it. The important thing is for you not to strain your neck by keeping it tilted either up or down

3. Get up every half hour

When you work in an office or while you’re studying, you will probably spend many hours sitting, with or without the computer. The best thing to do to prevent neck pain is to take periodic breaks, at approximately 30 minute intervals. Take a short walk, move your arms and legs, gently stretch your neck and shoulders to help release tension in the cervical area.  

4. Avoid using the computer in bed or on the sofa

These locations are for resting and are not designed for work with the computer, so it is most likely that you will end up using bad posture that stresses your neck and the spine in general. 

5. Keep your back straight when you walk

Ideally, the head, shoulders and feet are aligned while walking to avoid putting pressure on the neck or lower back. 

6. Hold your mobile phone up at eye level

We all look at our phones several times a day, so it is important not to bend your neck when you do it, because that places a lot of stress on the cervical vertebrae.  

7. Take care when lifting heavy things

If you are going to lift something, instead of bending over, bend at the knees with your back straight. If you have to reach for something that is up high, use a chair or ladder to avoid stretching and straining your neck. When you have to carry the groceries or anything heavy, try to distribute the weight equally in both arms or, if possible, use a cart or trolley you can push. These simple steps help prevent low back pain as well. 

8. Warm up before sports activity

Performing warm-up exercises at the beginning of any sports activity will help reduce stiffness of the neck muscles and prevent injury to both the cervical area and the rest of the body. In addition, it is a good idea to do some basic stretching after sports, not before. 

9. Pay attention to your posture when sleeping

Sleeping in fetal position is best for the spine. It is also important to use a pillow that allows the spine to lie straight, because if the pillow is too high or too low, it forces the cervical spine to curve, which can cause pain and waking up with a stiff neck. Likewise, a firm mattress is best, neither too hard nor too soft. 

10. Do specific exercises for the cervical spine

Leading an active lifestyle is essential for a healthy spine. Do things like walking every day, strengthening muscles with strength exercises, etc. And, in addition, you can also do specific exercises beneficial for the cervical spine like these, which we recommend to our patients.  

We hope you find these tips useful to keep you feeling good and free from pain. However, if you are suffering pain and it doesn’t get better, we recommend that you seek medical advice from a spine specialist for a personal evaluation. This is important to determine the cause of the pain and the most appropriate treatment, since the pain could be due to a herniated disc or other spinal pathologies. 

At Instituto Clavel we offer a variety of treatments for cervical pain: ranging from specialized physical therapy to cervical rhizolysis or cervical surgery. The most appropriate treatment for each patient can only be determined after the diagnosis, which we establish based on the patient’s medical history and diagnostic imaging tests such as magnetic resonance or the EOS scanner

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