Dr. Matías Mondragón


Dr. Matías Mondragón

I studied medicine in Argentina and subsequently completed my training as a neurosurgeon. Since 2018, I have specialized in pathologies of the spine, specifically in traumatic, infectious, tumoral, and degenerative pathology.

Joining Instituto Clavel has allowed me to broaden my experience in surgical options, especially minimally invasive and endoscopic surgical procedures, increasing the range of treatment possibilities for patients. My goal with every patient is to find the best therapeutic solution for their problem.


Neurosurgeon specialized in spinal surgery. Clevermed. (2019-present).

Medical expert specialized in neurosurgery. Ministry of Justice of Argentina (2019-present).

Neurosurgeon on on call. Hospital General de Agudos COsme Argerich. (2019-present).

Staff neurosurgeon. Instituto del transplante de Buenos Aires (EAIT). (2019-present).

Staff neurosurgeon Hospital Municipal Bernardo Houssay Vicente Lopez (Province of Buenos Aires) (2017-present)


Degree in Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2006-2012. Accreditation in Spain (2022)

Certification: Specialist in Neurosurgery. Dirección Nacional de Registro, Fiscalización y Sanidad de Fronteras, Ministerio de Salud de la República Argentina. (2019)

Postgraduate study in Pain Management and Treatment. Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires. (2022-2023)

Course: “Comprehensive Program of Theoretical Training in Neurosurgery,” Asociación Argentina de Neurocirugía (AANC) (2016-2018).

Online course “Continuing Education Program in Spine Surgery,” AO Spine. Accredited by the Universidade de Caxias Do Sul (2021-2022).

Online course “Skull Base Surgical Technique,” American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) (2019).

Online course “Neurovascular Surgery,” American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) (2019).

Online course “Spinal Deformity for Residents,” American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) (2018).

Online course “8th International Symposium on Microneurovascular Anatomy" sponsored by the Rhoton Society.  (2020).

Online course “Fundamentals in Spinal Surgery for Residents" American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS). (2017).






Pathologies treated





Other Academic, Scientific, and Professional activity

Other Academic, Scientific, and Professional Activity

Individual research

1- “Nuestra Experiencia en el Tratamiento de Metástasis de Cáncer de Mama de Fosa Posterior” [Our Experience in the Treatment of Metastasis of Posterior Fossa Breast Cancer], presented at the Annual Congress of the Sociedad de CirugíaNeurológica de Buenos Aires. Pinamar, November 27-29, 2014.

2- "Revisión de la indicación quirúrgica en los hematomas Intraparenquimatosos espontáneos", [Review of the indication for surgery in spontaneous intraparenchymal hematomas], presented at the Annual Congress of the Sociedad de Cirugía Neurológica de Buenos Aires. Pinamar, November 26-28, 2015.

3- "Estudio Descriptivo de la Necesidad de Colocación de Drenaje Ventricular Externo en Hematomas de la Fosa Posterior" [Descriptive Study of the Need for Placement of External Ventricular Drainage in Hematomas of the Posterior Fossa], presented at the XIII Jornadas Argentinas de Neurocirugía. Buenos Aires, August 6-8, 2015.

Collaborative Research

1. “Lesión Raquimedular Inusual por Herida de Arma Blanca. A Propósito de un Caso” [Unusual Spinal Cord Injury from a Stab Wound – A Case Study]. Authors: Montivero, Nicolás; Mondragon, Matias. Poster presented at the Annual Congress of the Sociedad de Cirugía Neurológica de Buenos Aires. Pinamar, November 27-29, 2014.

2. "Abordaje occipital transtentorial para lesiones del cerebelo superior. Descripción de 4 casos y revisión bibliográfica” [Transtentorial occipital approach for superior cerebellum lesions. Description of 4 cases and bibliographic review]. Authors: Olondo, Gonzalo; Montivero, Nicolás; Mondragon, Matias. Presented at the Annual Congress of the Sociedad de Cirugía Neurológica de Buenos Aires. Pinamar, November 26-28, 2015.

3. "Hemangioblastomas Esporádicos y Hereditarios de Fosa Posterior. Nuestra Experiencia en 5 años" [Sporadic and Hereditary Hemangioblastomas of the Posterior Fossa. Our Experience over 5 years]. Authors: Montivero, Nicolás: Mondragon, Matias; Vázquez, Víctor; Olondo, Gonzalo. Presented at the XIII Jornadas Argentinas de Neurocirugía. Buenos Aires, August 6-8, 2015.

4. “Degeneración Quística Post Exéresis de Menigioma Cerebral: a Propósito de dos Casos y Revisión Bibliográfica” [Post-Excision Cystic Degeneration of Cerebral Menigioma: Study of 2 cases and Bibliographic Review]. Authors: San Juan, Alejandro; Montivero, Nicolás; Mondragon, Matias; Olondo, Gonzalo. Presented at the Annual Congress of the Sociedad de Cirugía Neurológica de Buenos Aires. Pinamar, December 1-3, 2016.

5. “Neurocisticercosis de Presentación Atípica; a Propósito de un Caso y Revisión Bibliográfica” [Atypical Presentation of Neurocysticercosis: A case study and bibliographic review]. Authors: Bono, Gonzalo; Montivero, Nicolás; Mondragon, Matias. Presented at the Annual Congress of the Sociedad de Cirugía Neurológica de Buenos Aires. Pinamar, December 1-3, 2016.

6. "Exéresis de Neurinomas Espinales: ¿Es Necesaria la Artrodesis Posterior" [Excision of Spinal Neuromas: Is Posterior Arthrodesis Necessary?]. Authors: Lavezzolo, Paula; Mondragon, Matias; Vazquez, Victor. Presented at the Annual Congress of the Sociedad de Cirugía Neurológica de Buenos Aires. Mar del Plata, November 9-11, 2017.

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