Spine pathologies


How does use of new technology affect our backs?

The use of devices like mobile phones can have a serious impact on the back. The Instituto Clavel, a center specialized in spinal pathologies, explains here how the use of technology affects us and what we can do to reduce its negative consequences.

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Risks and complications after lumbar spine surgery: what are the symptoms?

Most of the population suffers at least one episode of severe back pain at some time in their life. When this condition becomes chronic, and conservative treatments do not improve quality of life, the patient may need to have surgery. There are certain complications and side effects that may occur following lumbar spine surgery, and in this article, we will tell you what they are and what symptoms they have.

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Can adolescent scoliosis be cured?

Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine caused by the rotation of the vertebrae. The most common type of scoliosis is idiopathic adolescent scoliosis, which appears in young people or children while they are growing.

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The best sports for your back

Leading an active lifestyle is one of the keys to taking care of your back, preventing back problems and helping avoid relapses if you have had a problem in the past. Some sports are better than others for your back, so we thought we would tell some sports that are good for keeping your spine strong and healthy. 

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"My recovery was very fast," says Romi Ivars, after undergoing surgery with the Mazor robot.

We spoke with Romi Ivars, a patient who underwent guided spinal surgery with the Mazor surgical robot at Instituto Clavel. This technology optimizes surgery, and increases precision.

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What is idiopathic scoliosis and how is it treated?

According to the World Health Organization, 3 out of every 100 people suffer from some type of scoliosis. Here, the experts at Instituto Clavel explain what idiopathic scoliosis is and how it is treated.  

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