Brain pathologies


What are the early signs of Parkinson’s?

Parkinson's disease can manifest various symptoms. We review here some of the most frequent symptoms that can be early warning signs of the disease. 

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Symptoms of a possible brain tumor  

The symptoms of a brain tumor can vary depending on the area of the brain in which it is located, the size of the tumor, and how it is growing. However, there are certain general signs to be aware of. Here is a brief overview.  

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Recovery from benign brain tumor surgery

For recovery after surgery to resect a brain tumor, even a benign one, it is necessary to follow a strict protocol. The specialists in neurosurgery from Instituto Clavel explain here what that protocol involves.    

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Brain abscess: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

A brain abscess is an infection that is generally severe and requires hospital admission until it is resolved. In this post, the experts in neurosurgery from Instituto Clavel, tell you why this disease occurs, what its symptoms are and the most effective treatments.

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