Back pain


Can a disc herniation disappear on its own?

People often ask if a disc herniation can 'heal' by itself or disappear. What’s important to know, is that there are measures to reduce the pain and other symptoms of this condition. When someone is diagnosed with the spinal injury known as a disc herniation, they often want to know if it’s possible that the disc herniation will just go away on its own.

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Benefits of Physical Therapy for the Back

Back pain can be very disabling. It can limit your mobility and make it a challenge just to perform everyday activities. Physical therapy can help relieve pain, improve the ability of your spine to function correctly, and aid in the prevention of future injuries.

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Mechanical low back pain: symptoms, causes and treatment

Mechanical low back pain is the most common type of low back pain. In this article we will describe the key risk factors and how to act when symptoms appear, and also what steps you can take to try to prevent this type of back pain.

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Back pain, a common health complaint

Back pain is a widespread concern that affects 80% of individuals at some point in their lives, with its prevalence notably higher in women and older adults. Discover how to manage it with tips on posture, mattress selection, and exercises, and when it's crucial to seek medical attention.

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Back pain and employee sick leave: causes and prevention

Just like it says in the title: back pain is responsible for approximately half the cases of employee sick leave in Spain, especially among office workers. Let Instituto Clavel tell you why and offer some postural hygiene guidelines to prevent it from happening to you too.

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Symptoms and types of scoliosis in people over 50

Adults with scoliosis usually have no symptoms for most of their lives. When symptoms finally appear, it is because the curvature has increased or the adult suffers problems such as degeneration of the spinal discs. In this article, Instituto Clavel provides information about this condition in people over 50 years of age.

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