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Instituto Clavel y el Hospital Universitario San Frascisco de Asís celebremos el Día Mundial de la Columna con unas jornadas muy especiales en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de octubre.
Nuestro objetivo es que cuides tu espalda y, para ello, te ofrecemos talleres de higiene postural guiados por fisioterapeutas y consultas gratuitas con nuestros doctores.
Donald del Carmen is an American airplane pilot living in Hawaii. He has had neck pain for a long time and could not work or play sport normally. That is why he decided to operate at Instituto Clavel. Find out more about his experience!
Damián Negrón had been suffering from cervical and lumbar pain due to degenerative disc disease in both areas for years. He needed a solution, but the options in the US were very invasive and not convincing. In addition, as a Johovah’s Witness, he had specific needs that have to be discussed and agreed beforehand with doctors. He therefore sought other alternatives and decided to travel to Spain to undergo an artificial disc replacement (ADR) surgery at Instituto Clavel.
A herniated disc can make both daily activities and sports difficult. Therefore, one of the main concerns of people who are considering having an operation to end the pain, is knowing whether they will be able to return to normal exercise later. At Instituto Clavel, specialists in spine surgery, we have confirmed that in a great majority of cases it is possible. Let us tell you about it!