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Instituto Clavel y el Hospital Universitario San Frascisco de Asís celebremos el Día Mundial de la Columna con unas jornadas muy especiales en Madrid, del 17 al 19 de octubre.
Nuestro objetivo es que cuides tu espalda y, para ello, te ofrecemos talleres de higiene postural guiados por fisioterapeutas y consultas gratuitas con nuestros doctores.
Headaches are one of the most common health complaints, and can be triggered by many things. Some headaches are related to neck pain or problems in the cervical spine. In this article, we talk about how to relieve the pain of this type of headache.
Experiencing occasional back pain is very common and can be caused by a variety of ordinary daily activities. Instituto Clavel would like to offer you some tips on how you can prevent back pain and keep your spine healthy.
Do you suffer from a lumbar disc herniation and want to know if walking is good for it? The answer will depend a lot on what stage of the condition you’re in, because, in some cases, the pain can be incapacitating. Read more to find out when it is advisable to walk with a herniated disc, and some other recommended physical activities.
Have you suffered a fractured vertebra? In this article we will talk about what type of rehabilitation exercises can help recover from a vertebral fracture.
After the operation for a cervical herniated disc, the spine surgeon will close the incision using either sutures or staples. This depends, fundamentally, on the size of the incision, the tension around the edges, the type of operation, and the preference of the surgeon. Here's what you need to know about the incision healing process after surgery.
A compression fracture in the spine does not always need surgery, so doctors may choose some other form of treatment. Treatments that may be used include low-impact activities, so in certain cases, yes, you can walk with a broken vertebra! Here's how to do it correctly.